10 Steps to Help You Declutter Your Closet

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We all have that one room or closet in our home that gets crammed with all the things that we know we need to get rid of but are not ready to part ways with. Or items that you might need but just don’t have a place to put them in your home. In the end, you just keep cramming that closet more and more but this time closing it shut with your body so everything doesn’t fall out all at once. Yeah, we know. Even Monica Geller can relate.

We know you’re nodding your head ‘yes’ to everything we just mentioned and are thinking to yourself, where do I start? I want that room or closet to be more useful and functional but it makes me overwhelmed after seeing everything I have to do.

Don’t worry, that is a valid feeling when you don’t know the best way to tackle this big transformational project. Luckily, LEI is going to share 10 steps to help you declutter any space and live in a better peace of mind. With these steps, you will not only be prepared to take action and complete it but also maintain it and build the habit.

  1. Take a Picture

    What? Take a picture? Yes! Take a picture of all the different angles for the Before. So that once you are finished and you see the After, you can see the overall picture and see what a huge difference cleaning that space was. Not only is this motivating and a ‘Pat on the back’ for your hard work, it inspires you to start on the next space until you have your whole house the way you dreamt it. It is a confirmation, that you can finish a project and complete what you set your mind too.

  2. Think of your Lifestyle

    You’re about to embark on your biggest transformational project. As you look at your space in its current state, take time to reflect on what you want it be like. What items do you envision in your space? What theme or color palette do you see? What color is your clothing? Do you have items you want to display like your handbags, shoes, jewelry or sunglasses? How do you envision it organized? It’s important to visualize the space before and the items that you have in it so that when it comes to picking out the clothing, you will have a clear image in your head of what you want to be wearing and what you have outgrown as the person you are looking to become.

  3. Make a Plan

    Starting a project without a plan is a simple set up for failure. Not only will it just make the mess worse, but you risk not finishing it at all. Before you start, you need to figure out what you will do with the items you are getting rid of. Will you give it away to certain family members or friends? Will you be selling or trading it at your local thrift store? Will you be donating it? Secondly, you need to know where you will be placing all the things you will be getting rid of in the meantime. Maybe the garage or in your car? This way you take it out quicker and it doesn’t linger around in your home.

  4. Start by Section

    The time has come but let’s not get carried away so quickly. First things first, start by sections. Depending on your schedule, you can do one section a day or one section a week. You don’t want to start everything all at once because you will get overwhelmed and risk not finishing what you started. This will result in more stress, more problems, and an even messier space.

  5. The 3 Phases to Letting Go of Baggage

    Phase 1: The initial removal of items. Where you take one look and can easily decide whether to keep it or let go of it. If you need to think about it, put it in the second look pile. This should go fairly fast since it is the first round.

    Phase 2: The second look. Ask yourself why you’re holding onto this item? How does it make you feel? Is it an item you need or just want? Does this item align with who you are trying to become? Are these the colors you want to be wearing? It is genuinely your style? If you’re still unsure, put it in the third look pile and come back to it.

    Phase 3: The third look. What emotions are attached to this item that hold you back from letting it go? Perhaps it will make you feel better finding it a better home yourself? Or maybe you’d rather leave it up to fate and have someone find that gem themselves in the thrift store or donation center. If you decide to let it go, take a moment to give it some appreciation for the memories it had with you and pour good energy into it for the next person who will use it.

6. Take Measurements

Tada! You’ve purged through your closet and let go of all the items no longer fulfilling a purpose to you. The next thing to do is take measurements of the space. Take the length, width, and height of the space. In this way you can research organizational storage units that best suit your needs for the space. Perhaps you need more hanging space rather than drawer space? This is also where you will decide what needs to be hung and what needs to be folded. Don’t forget to utilize the height of the space, store things up high that are only used seasonally. For affordable closet kits, we recommend IKEA or Rubbermaid, they are very easy to assemble and you can personalize it to your needs on a budget.

7. Label the Different Sections

This is great if you are using drawers or bins for storage so you can easily find items. Not only will it look extremely organized and neat aesthetically but it helps to maintain a nice and tidy space. In this way, everyone can lend a hand and get into the habit of placing items in their designated home. This will remove the stress of having one person responsible for the maintenance of the nice and organized sections.

8. Schedule a Day for Drop-Offs

You have the items you are letting go either in a bag or boxes, now what? Now you will dedicate some time to look through your schedule and take your next available opening to go drop them off at your local thrift store or donation center so that they’re no longer lingering in your home and taking up space. This is where you will call the store and see whether you need an appointment to drop off or if you can walk-in anytime.

9. Update and Maintain

The more details you add into the space, the easier it will be for everyone to maintain it and not just one person. Especially if you live with a partner or even have kids utilizing the space, they will see how each item is easily found and has a specific place to be placed back into. Don’t forget to keep updating it and shifting things around as you find it more functional in your day-to-day life. It has to suit you and your family in the best way. Don’t feel pressure to leave it only one way. Every season is a great time to tidy up the space again and make sure it’s still adding value to your life.

10. Benefits of Decluttering your Surroundings

We are so proud that you have cleaned out your closet or that you’re even thinking about embarking on that transformational project. If you’re still hesitant to begin or you just finished, we want to share the benefits or keeping your surrounding clean and tidy.

  • You save money - you find items quicker and don’t need to go out and buy items a second time because you can’t find it. More specifically, if you clean out your pantry, you don’t waste food and end up utilizing all your resources to plan meals.

  • Improves your well-being - you feel in control as opposed to uncontrollable due to having a cluttered home. We understand, life gets busy, but neglecting the clutter in your home will only cause it to get more cluttered. It causes stress because there is so much you need to do and results in tension between members of your family.

  • You have better focus - you aren’t getting distracted with the mess of papers on your desk or the mountain of laundry piling up in the corner of your bedroom. A clean space boosts creativity because you are primarily focused on the tasks in front of you. Nevertheless, being more productive and getting things completed on your to-do list.

  • Can reduce family tension - living in a cluttered environment causes tension when it affects your way of life. Too many things in your way in order to get to your bed or stress because not everyone does their part in cleaning, falling onto the shoulders of one person. Keeping it clean and tidy, helps in maintaining it clean and clears the mind.

If you still need help on where to start, we can help you!


Project Reveal: Complete Closet Transformation